May 20, 2021.


Insights on Legal Battles & Bouncing Back with Neal Harmon

A conversation with Angel Studio’s Co-Founder & CEO

So here's an unexpected scenario. You've got your startup started up and you're busy and focused on building the best team and raising capital when you're blindsided by a legal battle with one of the world's most powerful companies. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen more than you might think. And today, we'll learn from someone who's faced it all: a major lawsuit, loss, and even bankruptcy–and what it took to bounce back even stronger. Join us as we talk to Neal Harmon, CEO and co-founder of Angel Studios and investor Dalton Wright of Kickstart (a VC firm for startups in Utah, Colorado, and the Mountain West) as they bring us both sides of a Perfect Pitch. In this episode we’ll talk about:

  • Angel Studio’s legal battle with Disney

  • How Neal pulled the company out of bankruptcy

  • What Angel Studios and a Dr. Seuss character have in common (hint: it has to do with sticking it out!)

  • Why investors prioritize a focus on a startup’s team and its leadership



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Resource Links

Angel Studios Website

Biography Links

Neal Harmon—Co-Founder and CEO of Angel Studios
Gavin Christensen—Kickstart Partner
Karen Zelnick—Kickstart Senior Director of Platform

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Produced by KaRyn Lay with sound mixed & mastered by Katie Lambert and Mix at 6 Studios.