March 23, 2021.


Hiring Insights with Rachel Nilsson

A conversation with Rag’s Founder and CEO

There has never been a more true axiom in the start up world than this: The only constant is change; and when things need to change, it’s up to the founder to get it done. This episode includes CEO and founder Rachel Nilsson of Rags and venture capital Investor Curt Roberts to give you both sides of a Perfect Pitch. This episode will explore:

  • Rachel’s Shark Tank experience

  • How to overcome a toxic hire on your executive team

  • The importance of hiring slowly & firing quickly

  • Why managing your mental health is vital for a successful company



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Resource Links

Rags Website

Biography Links

Rachel Nilsson—Founder and CEO of Rags
Curt Roberts—Kickstart Partner
Karen Zelnick—Kickstart Senior Director of Platform

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