


CFO & Partner

Alex runs the show on all things finance: reporting, cash management, budgeting, and the structuring of transactions from an administrative and accounting perspective to ensure compliance with limited partnership agreements. Speaking of limited partners, Alex manages all accounting and reporting in that regard as well. He also loves working with entrepreneurs, helping with diligence on a new company, and leading deals. When not ensuring the seamless administration of the fund, he loves playing with his twin boys, attending his daughter’s dance concerts, and enjoying a good show with his wife.


Education & Affiliations

Masters of Professional Accountancy from the University of Utah

B.S. in Accounting from the University of Utah

CPA License


  • Estify

  • Idaciti

  • MarketDial (Observer)

  • Paintbrush

  • Paperwork

  • Reaction Data

  • Suralink


  • Bookly

  • C7